The entire composite industry is built on powerful combinations. Just as our products are composed of several parts that work together to make new materials with more desirable outcomes, so too is the leadership of the industry made up of organizations that work together to make one another stronger. MVP is proud to have a productive and mutually beneficial partnership with the American Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA). Together, we have been able to move the industry forward for several decades, bringing about a better regulatory environment and innovative products for America’s infrastructure.

There are around 3000 composite companies in the U.S., employing over a half-million people across the fifty states. The many members of the ACMA create composites that improve fuel efficiency across a variety of transportation options, turn wind into electricity, protect our troops, and so much more. As a member of the ACMA board of directors, MVP works hard to ensure the variety of member companies are all able to compete against other manufacturing industries and more traditional material groups.

While affecting positive legislative and policy change for our industry is certainly a top priority for ACMA, the organization is also important for its role as a central forum for our industry. Members can develop market opportunities, discuss recent innovations across the various represented fields, and even find solutions to common challenges that impact us all. ACMA also provides numerous educational resources relating to the composites industry. By working collaboratively, we are able to grow and improve. As a result, we all become stronger, more adaptable and better suited to face the challenges of today’s manufacturing environment.

Even beyond our role as a board member, at MVP we are dedicated to helping the composite industry grow. We provide numerous application technologies that make composite manufacturing safer, more efficient, and more environmentally friendly. This includes our high quality pumps and spray guns, which are a critical part of the manufacturing process. Because of our integration throughout much of the industry, we are also able to provide technical expertise and a qualified support team to ensure our partners’ production never stops.

The partnership between MVP and ACMA has lasted decades, and our bond is still as strong as ever. At MVP, our role allows us to hear the needs of ACMA’s constituency and help drive industry goals based on those needs. We frequently lobby the government against passing regulation that would hamper composite growth, and work diligently to open opportunities around the globe for American made composite products.

MVP has a proud history of being a leader in the composite industry. We have been recognized numerous times for technological advances, most recently for our non-destructive testing method for adhesive bonding known called Smart Joint. These successes have only been possible due to the strong partnerships we’ve enjoyed with groups like ACMA.

To learn more about our work with this organization, or to see our impressive product line, visit today