
Over the last several years, many manufacturers in Hungary have made the move into Composites for their products. Using traditional open molding techniques have worked well for them, but as with many countries around the world, Hungary has begun to tighten environmental regulations. This means that these manufacturers need to find an alternate method for making their products.

That is where Flex Molding Process enters the picture. Since its release four years ago, the success of Flex Molding Process has been spreading far and wide. More and more, manufacturers around the world are participating in the Comprehensive Training Course offered by MVP in this process.

In December, 2014 MVP conducted their first training in Hungary. Hosted by MVP distributor Alvin-Plast, this 3-day training gave attendees a true transfer of technology that will allow them to easily incorporate this process into their production.

The 24 attendees of this training came from a variety of industries making products such as:

  • Storage Tanks
  • Bus and Rail Elements
  • Aeroplanes
  • Windblades
  • Surfboards
  • Sailing Boat Accessories
  • Automotive
  • Power Boats

Those who attended the training were very pleased with the knowledge and techniques they took away, and a few have already begun to discuss with Alvin-Plast bringing this into their production. “This training was the best we have had in our 20 years of operation,” said Alvin-Plast owner Agota Velkei. “The presentation was logical, and professional, and everyone learned a lot.”